Some time in the 1980s I was invited by Dan and Bethany to join them at the house near the beach they had rented for the month of August. Cannot remember the year but pretty sure both JD and Chad were with them.

One night, the adults (there were at least three other visitors) played night croquet. Cans of Budweiser were available at each wicket. It was not long before the game turned into jail-break croquet as that was how one could obtain another slug of beer.

At some point, Dan explained his Ten Rules to Live By. I remember only two of them; one has a slightly more modern version.

One of the rules, in the middle of the pack, is “always have a valid passport.” Another rule that came after is “never go to the railroad station when directed by the government.” My recollection is on the spot Dan revised that rule for modern times (in mid-1980s) as “never go to the soccer stadium when directed.”

The other Shit Dan Taught Us was commit and then be thorough.