Dan was an inspiration to me in anti-nuclear power work. He recruited me around 1980 to do anti-WPPSS research. Once, he hosted a meeting with me and Jim Lazar. Dan got us high, and after a while, when Jim and I lost our focus, Dan exclaimed in frustration, “You two galoots!”

A few years ago I thought it was time to revive a campaign against WPPSS-2. I asked around for allies and got connected with Chuck Johnson. We built up a group and had a good run for a while, getting the Seattle City Council to pass a watered-down resolution calling for scrutiny of the plant and its impact on Bonneville’s (and thus Seattle’s) rates.

More recently, our group can take some credit for stopping a couple of pro-nuclear bills in the 2023 state legislature.

The anti-WPPSS-2 campaign is not getting much traction, though. Rather, we’re waiting for the main chance. If there’s a nuclear catastrophe or an economic crisis, someone has to be there to say “Told ya.”

Our website is nuclearfreenw.org. The sidebar has topics that are more relevant right now than the WPPSS campaign – especially the one on small modular reactors, where a great victory has recently been achieved (in Utah, not by our group, though).

Dan inspired all of us, and we continue to work in memory of his leadership.