Portions, Chapter 7: Refusing The Draft

Portions, Chapter 7: Refusing The Draft

Every morning when Marge and I woke up in our furnished apartment in Brooklyn’s Flatbush neighborhood we would hear three things on the radio: An advertisement for Pan Am’s flight one to London, Karachi and around the world, the number of three alarm fires in the...

Portions, Chapter 8: Writing my Dissertation

NYU tried to take my NDEA title IV fellowship. They said since I was under induction order I wouldn’t be able to complete my graduate studies. I told them I wasn’t going. It was a rather tense time and I don’t know why the administration gave in. Maybe it was the way...
Portions, Chapter 9: Tenant Organizing

Portions, Chapter 9: Tenant Organizing

One of the main reasons I never went back was because I was already doing what I wanted to do. I was organizing people. It was a thrill to me then and it’s a thrill to me now. I also came to realize that a great deal of my graduate studies in organizational theory and...

Portions, Chapter 10: Separation

I was by now no longer living with Marge Passasini in our brownstone apartment. I had left and moved in with my Peace Corps friend, Annie Boylon, in her railroad flat just a few blocks away. It was now about 1970. Herman wanted me to get a teaching job. He brought me...
Portions, Chapter 11: Moving to Ithaca

Portions, Chapter 11: Moving to Ithaca

I received two job offers. Stanley Aronowitz offered me a teaching job at Staten Island Community College. He ran an urban clinic operation out of the College where working class kids put theory and practice together. He wanted someone on his team that combined...