Larry Kuehn

It is hard to believe that such a vital force as Dan is gone. I’m not surprised to hear that he was engaged right up to the end. I was thinking of Dan today as I was reading the latest issue of the BCTF magazine and there was an article about the Tri-national...

Michael Huntsberger

Dan was a great friend, neighbor, colleague and mentor. When our house across the street was being painted, he and Bethany offered their own as an essential refuge. On a warm summer night he taught us the exuberant joys of nightball. His boys spent hours playing in...

Stephanie Nichols

Take risks, fearlessly. Make no excuses and admit nothing. Read more. Fight the system, do it with intention and your heart. Celebrate all the victories, celebrate the moment, share stories. With all my love and gratitude, thank you for teaching me this shit and so,...
Mark Bean

Mark Bean

True Enough (For Burke) The legacy of battles and life Shapes and wears your body Sassy-leafed countenance Once emerging, now fading Your sturdy trunk, now bent. I recall Yeats once said: Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through...
Helen Lee

Helen Lee

Dan Leahy Our Working Class Hero There is no doubt We were looking for a landing From our working class angst A rationale for our luck For rubbing shoulders with college kids Covering up our lack of confidence With brazen talk and street smarts We joined unions With...